
Art Journaller: Destroy RFA

Destroy RFA
Originally uploaded by seeshells
Do you ever get a strange nervous feeling and you don't know why? I know some people don't, but I do (probably something to do with being the parent of teens). I decided to call it Random Freefloating Anxiety. The other day, I had one of these attacks of RFA, and in the process of getting rid of it, I had the idea for this drawing.
I've been working more on my Art Journal, but have been still working very timidly, and I wanted to explore a more purposeful style. In all my art classes in high school and college, I learned to sketch, to pencil things in first, but I've been seeing and hearing about just drawing without sketching, and I wanted to try that out for myself.
So this drawing is both a visualization for me calming my brain, and an experiment with a technique I don't usually use.
The Boy Friend Forever said "it's not your usual style...I like it" LOL Those are two separate statements, and I knew it when he said it, but it sounded funny. I like it too. And it's not my usual style. But I do want to explore this style more.

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