


Searches that brought you here
In addition to "seAshell crafts" which I usually get hits from due to my name (hmm, maybe I should do more shell crafts...), you also got here by searching: "Googly Eye Crafts", "sewing instructions for cell phone pouches", and "felt barrettes". Check out these felt barette kits I found through Cafe Mom on the Etsy group.
When I checked my stats on Friday, to get to work on this post, I found bunches of hits coming from a sewing forum. Wow! I must have been linked on one of their threads! I signed up, but am awaiting approval, so I don't know what was said about me, I hope it was good. If you're visiting from the sewing forum, Welcome!!
Comments that you left here
September Thoughts
artgirlATL: Good to have someone else working on starting an Etsy shop, let me know how your pursuit goes! And on the layout, Thanks, I love it too, but no, I did not create it. I know where my strengths lie, and when to ask for help, and web design is not something that I have mastered. My lovely layout is thanks to the wonderful Zoe at Chic & Sassy Designs! (and speaking of the Chic & Sassy one)
Zoe: You might not think you're 'crafty' but you are definately creative! Go for it with painting your post! Maybe ask the paint salesman what kind of paint to use.
First Painting
Annonymous/Bryan: I've gotten more compliments on your first painting than on some of the things I've made! Honestly, you did a great job, honey! (And maybe I need to paint more?)
Zoe & SugarDaddy: Thank you on behalf of my guy for the nice compliments. I'm trying to get it hung up, or get him to hang it, but it's still sitting on the desk!
Bracelet Kit
Moral Compass: Thanks! And no, I didn't steal flowers for her birthday (this year, anyway!)
Wire We Creative?
Sir Jorge: Thank you, I love all the colors that wires come in! They are so inspiring. Stay tuned for more wire projects...

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