
Meeple Bag

In getting ready to teach my favorite board game, Carcassonne, at Nuke Con last week, I decided that I needed a new bag to draw out the tiles.
I have one bag that came with one of the expansions, but this bag was for the new 10th anniversary edition that I had to have. I could use the current bag as a guide for size. 
First, thinking of material, I thought of Spoonflower, and maybe I could make some meeple cloth. If I had time I could, so maybe will put that idea on hold for another time.
So I decided to use the bleach splatter method, and got some nice black material. When I told The BFF that I'd really only be a couple minutes in JoAnn's, this time I really meant it. Straight to the remnant bins, there's always plain black remnants in the bin. 
I spent one whole evening cutting little meeples out of freezer paper, and another spraying the bleach. Does anyone else have a problem with the smell of the bleach? I should have used a face mask!
Anyway, I think it turned out pretty good. It's always interesting to see how bleached out something will get, and I was pretty happy with the coloring I got with this material. Good thing it was a big remnant, I'll make something else with it.

Meeple bag front

Meeple bag back

Meeple bag with guests visiting

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