
And More To Be Finished

During my summer crochet-scrubbies-as-stress-management project, I learned that while the making of the scrubbies was relaxing, the tying off of the scrubbies was definitely NOT.
So I'd end up with a big pile like this waiting to be tied off. And since they were waiting to be finished, they weren't going off to new homes to actually be used, which was, after all, an essential part of the plan.
My folks, as I think I've mentioned before, have been doing volunteer work ever since they retired (almost ten years now!), and I have sent a few scrubbies along with them to give as gifts to their team mates, as well as give to family members they meet up with along the way, but I've never sent enough along, because they were still waiting to be tied off!
So I had a great idea. If my mom was willing to tie off the scrubbies (maybe busy work during the long drive?) then they could take a big bunch of scrubbies with them, and give them away when they're finished. Mom was game for the idea (thanks Mom!), so this big batch is in her capable hands now, being tied off and given away.
...and I'll get busy crocheting MORE.

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