

Felted Bag: Finished Felting

Finished Felted Bag
Originally uploaded by seeshells.
So way, waaaaay, back when, I was felting this purse. Wow, I checked the date, I took this picture over 2 months ago. Here's the bag after the second trip through the washer. It shrunk up just perfectly, I was so pleased. I figured where I had added the fun fur, it wouldn't felt as much, but I didn't realize it would end up this cute. One of my kids said it looks like a little skirt flaring out at the bottom. I have yet to make a button for it, I'm thinking I'll use poly clay in the fun fur colors, try to match those colors pretty closely, that should tie the color scheme all together nicely. This bag is pretty small, which is what I wanted, so that's fine, I wanted a purse to carry at times when you really don't want to carry a purse, but can't stuff the essentials in your pocket. I really love the felting process, and I've been antsy to do something else. In my stash of gifted yarn, I did just find two skeins of off white wool. (from Woolworths-LOL!) So I may experiment with Kool-Aid dying and felting on the same project.

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