

Just another Monday

Yup, I'm officially in a rut. Or a funk. Or a fog. Not sure which. Or maybe all at the same time.
I'm still crocheting up a storm. That is, until I rip it all out and start over again. ;p But I've made five granny star hats (pattern still coming) and a couple scarves and other things. Crocheting has successfully become my comfort craft. And when I need to work on it, it really doesn't matter to me that I might end up ripping it out and starting again, I need the practice.
I've been organizing my nest, my work space cupboard, a little more when ever I have a chance. But creatively, I think I'm in a 'gathering' stage. And life, well, life is a wild ride, like Mr. Toad taught us. And some days, I don't really feel like I've caught my breath the whole day. (Good thing I've got that comfort craft)
Tonight I discovered a funny little revelation about myself. I really, REALLY do not like concert band. Rawk Star had a choral concert and music awards (he got a bar for his letter!), and right before choral was the concert band. Now, I love all music, don't get me wrong, and I played in concert band for about 10 years as far as I can figure, but me playing in concert band was only to be able to be in the jazz band and the marching band. Choir was fine, I loved both concert choir and swing choir, I still sing in a choir. But concert band. Just yuck. I'm sorry.
And in the good news/bad news department, I'm sure glad that I have so much art supplies on hand, because when Extreeme Artist procrastinated his art project (hmm, wonder where he got that trait), at least we didn't have to run out to a store to get the supplies he needed.

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