Here's a bunch of beads and things I made with polymer clay several years ago. These are examples of different techniques I tried, some from books, some my own designs, some pretty good, some not successful at all, but that's what practicing is about.
Next week, kids gone for Spring Break, I will be delving a bit into the old poly clay stuff. Funny, I worked so much at it for so long, and now haven't for so long. I have to figure out where I was, go back and pick it up, and see where to move on to.
Part of my process, I'm realizing, I becoming ok with the time lapse. There were many reasons this, my favorite art form took a back seat, some reasons I will have to work through. So I guess the poly clay is a bit of therapy for me as well.
Art Therapy 101.
I've just bought some poly clay and a bead roller to try making some little round things for the first time. Any tips for the absolute novice? I've worked with real clay before but never polymer and I'm hoping it will hit several of my clay itches that I haven't been able to scratch due to lack of kiln...