

A Happy Hooker, Me

I wore my hat today.
About a month ago, I decided to overcome my not-being-able-to-learn-from-books issue and just crochet 'by ear', just do whatever I felt, and see what happened. And a hat was made. I got to the 'I think I'm finished' place a few days ago. So much that I started a Dishcloth-AKA-Practicing A Square because I didn't have anything more to do on the hat except 'finish' it. And I didn't know how I was going to stop the crocheting, or weave in the ends, so it sat for a couple days.
But it's a spring hat, and this morning, I did not have to scrape any windows, or start the car 5 minutes early to defrost and warm up. To me, after this winter, that was close e-frickin-nuff to spring for me! I quickly did a couple stitches to end the crocheting, and wove that end a little bit, just enough so I didn't have a Minney Purl string hanging off the back of my hat, and the other ends that need to be woven are inside where they don't show, so I threw it on, and went on my day.
I almost couldn't take it off when I got to work, I was so proud of what I had done. And tomorrow, being 'casual Friday', and me being known for sometimes wearing hats on cF, I may just wear it all day tomorrow.
And I know that I don't know what I'm doing, I looked at the crochet mag I bought today only to be confuzzled by the words, but the pictures are making more sense. And my dishcloth doesn't look too bad, and it's almost done, too.
And last night, hooking away watching tv, I hit crochet nirvana. After a long day of being the mother of two teenage sons, I found relaxation in my crocheting.
And I almost cried.

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