


So if I've never mentioned it before, My Guy is a bit of a Media Head. A Bit. The list of movies he's seen would fill a book, and do not ask him how many songs are in his iTunes unless you really want to know. Before he moved here, he got himself a projector tv, which moved in with him, along with the TiVo and surround sound. That was a while back, and that projector served him and us well until recently, when it became clear that it was time for the projector to move out to pasture. (It had developed this nasty loud sound, which was something inside grinding, and wasn't going to last very long.) So through the magic of a great sale, price matching, good credit, and some gift card money, he got a new one last week.
Turns out, like every other electronic product, projectors have been getting better, as in more sophisticated, with better features. The old projector was pretty dark, and the room had to be really dark to see it well. It was like always being in a theatre, literally. The new one is soooo bright, you can even have the overhead light on, and still see it, like it was a regular television.
This is very, very exciting to me. Why? you may ask, go ahead, ask.
Because now, it might actually be possible for me to do something while watching! I just may finally learn how to knit!! I'm so excited!

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