

Happy Days

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and are having a great Black Friday or Buy Nothing Day today, which ever you celebrate.
Last night, I went to My Guy's work to have a nice Thanksgiving meal with him while watching Ugly Betty. My other celebratory activities included sewing decorations onto my kitchen apron, organizing my sewing box, carving three erasers into stamps, and not buying anything today. (It doesn't count if someone else buys you lunch. Because I say it doesn't)
I picked up the Artist Extreeme, and we had a nice evening of watching the Beatle's movie Help! and making a baked Brie with mushrooms(ok, it was Camembert, but most people know what Brie is, Camembert is Brie's slightly tangier sibling), after deciding to postpone our possible visit to the Art-O-Mat, since even though we could justify it, because it's art, it was still buying something. Maybe tomorrow, as we have a trip planned to the hobby store.
A few days ago when I had asked him what things he might want to do together during our alone time this weekend, I asked him if he'd like to carve erasers with me. Oh, no, he definitely didn't want to do that, he's tired of carving, they have been carving for a couple weeks on a huge project at school. Well, I guess we're all on the same wavelength.

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