So I've been thinking about a 'something' a day creative experiment. I've heard of folks doing a sketch a day or a self-portrait a day (drawing or photograph), or a watercolor a day for a week or a month. I'd need to coordinate it with my Thing of the day post also, but I could do a week's worth, and then post them the following week (I've really wanted to get ahead on my Things anyway).
So I glanced at the calendar, and noticed that September has four nicely rounded work weeks, I could do one topic for the whole month, or each of those nice little weeks. But! WAIT A SECOND!! This is SEPTEMBER! And my goal was to have my Etsy shop open by the last weekend of September. That means I have to get busy!
Here's where I'm at right now:
I wanted to have three different catagories of things to start with, each in various colors. I had decided that one of those three could be my holiday earrings, it is getting close to that time, and they do sell in person, so they would probably sell on Etsy. Plus I have several pairs finished, so that will reduce the stress of what I have to finish. Number two is what I've been making a bunch of, until I get sick of making them, and I am sooo almost at that sick of point! These are cute, I think people will laugh and hopefully like them, as long as I can come up with a reasonable price. The third item is just an idea and a few supplies at this point. I'm not even sure exactly how to put them together yet. And this third thing is why my goal is the end of September, because we are going to a gaming convention that weekend, and I want to have buisness cards to hand out, as I intend to be wearing/using this third thing as promotion and testing.
With the realization of only having a few weeks to meet my goal, I am getting nervous, am losing a little confidence, and am full of questions. Do I need to set up a seperate bank account to use on Etsy? How do I figure out what to price things at? And OMG, I need to figure out shipping, assuming anything actually sells.
So this month I will be on an information hunt, while I'm finishing the first things to go into the store. I've found some good info already, Cafe Mom (I'm seeshellsmrf there, come say 'hi') has an Etsy forum, which pointed me to this EtsyWiki, and a good article on pricing stuff. And looking for more. And maybe October can be a sketch a day month.
I'm pondering opening an etsy shop. Nice blog layout. Did you create it?
you know what I was washing my old post today I was like geez these are lame and ugly so I thought it be nice to paint them but I'm not crafty at all I dont even know if there a right kind of paint that wont peel off from the heat... I just figured it could be a fun project!!! :)